The Zambezi River which forms the border between Zambia and Zimbabwe, elicits a powerful image of mystery, perhaps because it is the least explored of the world’s great rivers. Its flow tells stories that few can translate. Stories of great sustenance through water, food and power supplies – an imperative life source to both human and animal residents of these lands, but also stories of sweeping death, bringing the deadly malaria carrying mosquito.
The River in Three Parts
The river is better defined in three main parts in order to describe its many characteristics. What is known as The Upper Zambezi runs from the source in Zambia to Victoria Falls. The Middle Zambezi stretches from the bottom of Victoria Falls through to the man-made CahoraBassa Lake in the Tete province of Mozambique. The Lower Zambezi runs from here into the Indian Ocean.
Banks Bursting with Wildlife
Beginning its journey in north western Zambia 1 500metres above sea level, this great body of water stretches 2 700 kilometres and slices through six African countries on its way to join the warm Indian Ocean in Mozambique. It has attracted tourists from all over the world because of the abundance of wildlife and barely rivalled game viewing opportunities, as well as the chance to encounter Africa’s deadliest animals – hippos, crocodiles, lions and elephants – who rely on the river to survive and therefore never stray too far from it. So too is it a bird lovers utopia, as it teems with thousands of different species.
Exploration in Many Forms
The path of the river is full of diverse complexities for tourists to explore. From the adrenalin fuelled fanatics bungee jumping off the thundering world famous Victoria Falls, known to locals as Mosi-oa-Tunya which means ‘The smoke that thunders”, to quiet paddlers gliding through the peaceful waters of its many great lakes on a popular canoe and camping trips.
The river itself and the areas surrounding its banks are largely untouched and pristine thanks to its protected status which means any way you choose to explore it, it is as close to the true essence of nature, and a world unaffected by humans as you can possibly get.